Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hitting The Wall...

Hey this time it only took me a month to write another post that's an improvement right...

So after my great run in October I was feeling pretty good and this running thing was become more routine for me but as the days grew shorter and colder I found it harder to get my runs in. I signed up for my next race though...It was The Reindeer Run to help benefit needy children in Cherokee County. December 7th would be the day and it would be here before I knew it but I still found it hard to get out on regular runs and my training suffered. Even though I have a treadmill at home I am not a big fan of running on it for me it just doesn't have the same effect as getting outside and hitting the pavement it works in a pinch but if I have my choice I will always run outside. So race day quickly approached and overall I wasn't feeling great with how I had led up to it and when it arrived of course it was a very cold morning and that made it even worse. I was determined to try my hardest anyway and as I started off I made the worst mistake a runner can make I went way to hard, and sure enough about halfway through I hit the dreaded wall. I had to stop and walk for a little while and it killed me after a little bit of walking I got going again and finished with an ok time (I don't remember my exact time but it was somewhere between my previous two races). I considered this my first true let down since I had started but rather then let it break me I let it inspire me to try that much harder. So instead of making my next race a 5k I stepped it up and went for a 10k.

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